
Is the Bank Taking Your House? Five Alternatives to Try Before Giving Up
When a homeowner is heading toward foreclosure, it might seem like all is lost, however there are a few options to still be considered. If you want to save your house, alternative measures can be taken to salvage a property investment. Many people give into the bank because they are unaware of the options they […]

Know Your Rights In Terms Of Foreclosures
Nobody wishes to experience financial instability, but the stress of declining income and rising debt are especially alarming when there’s a threat that those factors could result to losing a home. The U.S. is facing an unparalleled housing dilemma, in which thousands of American families today– many of whom bought their homes using subprime mortgages– […]

10 Steps to Save Your Home from Foreclosure
The downhill slide to foreclosure usually starts slowly and then escalates quickly. Wherever you are in the process of fighting for your home, take these steps and work with your lenders to stop your behind-on-the-mortgage snowball from turning into a foreclosure avalanche! Step 1: Mortgage=Top Priority. Even if you have credit card debt, make your […]
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