Alcohol and your Health: When a Little is too Much
Alcohol in small or large quantities can be harmful to your health. As one of the leading causes of preventable death, the long-term effects can cause serious complications to physical, mental and social well-being for those who over indulge, or binge drink. It can also be a financially draining habit legally. It can be attributed […]
Fighting Asthma with Life Saving Remedies
Asthma is a big health problem affecting people of every region. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes narrowing of airways that result in symptoms like wheezing, coughing and difficulty in breathing. About 6.5 million American children are suffering from this condition. Asthma can be triggered by various factors like air pollutants, viral infections, […]
Whiplash Following an Auto Collision: 4 Financial Friendly Options
Although many people believe that whiplash is a relatively simple injury, it can actually cause a long list of side effects. Because of this, many afflicted individuals will need to receive treatment in order to heal quickly. However, this can become a financial burden on those who do not have a good insurance policy or […]
Six Tips on Saving Money on Your Medical Care
Most families find that healthcare costs eat up a significant amount of the household budget. Finding ways to ensure you have the healthcare you need while cutting costs can be a challenge, but real savings can be accomplished with a bit of research and a few tips. Read Your Insurance Policy Although your insurance may […]
Keeping Your Employees Healthy With Appropriate Coverage
Your employees are the most important asset you have in your business. Though not a physical asset, such as vehicles or your office space, your employees are what will make or break your business, so assuming you are currently hiring the best people for the jobs they’re in, top of your list of priorities must […]
5 Tips to Save Money on Insurance Premiums
You never know when disaster might strike. One moment you’re healthy and the other you’re not. It’s important to prepare for a situation such as this. Pretty much everyone has insurance. No one is foolish enough not to be covered. However, insurance premiums can be quite expensive. Sure it’s a safety blanket for when things […]
What You Need to Know: A Virtual Tour of the Health Insurance Marketplace
The marketplace is open. Now what? You need health insurance – the government is mandating it. But, you don’t know what to do. More than that, you’re not sure you can even afford it. What happens when Jan 1 rolls around and you don’t have a policy? Don’t let that happen. Hop on the exchange, […]
A Decade of Cutting Health Care Costs: The Hardworking HSA
Co-pay plans are cool and everything, but they’ve got nothing on a HDHP paired with an HSA. Why are these high-deductible plans so delectable? It’s because they actually save people money instead of funneling more cash into the hands of insurance companies and doctors. You see, the health insurance system in the United States is […]
5 Ways to Minimize the Costs of Your Medical Billing
Receiving the medical bill is the worst aftereffect of seeing a medical provider. Families across the globe have difficulty paying the price of healthcare. A staggering 2 million Americans are plagued by medical bankruptcy and one out of every five adults struggles to afford medical care. Fortunately, there are plenty of payment options available. Negotiate […]
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