Medical Insurance

How Dieticians Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Health Care Costs
If there is one issue affecting nearly everyone in the U.S. today, it’s obesity and related chronic health conditions. Nearly one third of all adults are obese, with even more people considered “significantly overweight.” Moreover, the number of people who are “morbidly obese,” meaning they are at a higher risk for serious health issues, is […]

Emotional Distress Caused by Injury: Is this Medically Covered?
No one ever expects to be involved in an accident before their day is over, but unfortunately, the fact that there are 37.9 million emergency room visits for injuries every year proves that Americans don’t always get what they expect. People understand that if they’re involved in some sort of accident, there is a chance […]

Private Health Insurance in Australia’s Different States
Everyone living in Australia can apply for private health insurance, but depending on where you’re located, you may notice some difference in the options available to you. Here’s a quick rundown of what sort of differences you may encounter based on your home states. What’s different? Private health funds are often tailored for specific states. […]

Holiday Travel and Hit and Run Carnage
The Hit-and-Run accident is a more common occurrence than you may believe. Most responsible drivers think that this type of event is something that happens in movies to make the scene more climatic because they believe that no one would do that in real life. Sadly, this is not the case. Hit-and-run occurrences account for […]

Whiplash Following an Auto Collision: 4 Financial Friendly Options
Although many people believe that whiplash is a relatively simple injury, it can actually cause a long list of side effects. Because of this, many afflicted individuals will need to receive treatment in order to heal quickly. However, this can become a financial burden on those who do not have a good insurance policy or […]

Six Tips on Saving Money on Your Medical Care
Most families find that healthcare costs eat up a significant amount of the household budget. Finding ways to ensure you have the healthcare you need while cutting costs can be a challenge, but real savings can be accomplished with a bit of research and a few tips. Read Your Insurance Policy Although your insurance may […]

Keeping Your Employees Healthy With Appropriate Coverage
Your employees are the most important asset you have in your business. Though not a physical asset, such as vehicles or your office space, your employees are what will make or break your business, so assuming you are currently hiring the best people for the jobs they’re in, top of your list of priorities must […]

5 Tips to Save Money on Insurance Premiums
You never know when disaster might strike. One moment you’re healthy and the other you’re not. It’s important to prepare for a situation such as this. Pretty much everyone has insurance. No one is foolish enough not to be covered. However, insurance premiums can be quite expensive. Sure it’s a safety blanket for when things […]

What You Need to Know: A Virtual Tour of the Health Insurance Marketplace
The marketplace is open. Now what? You need health insurance – the government is mandating it. But, you don’t know what to do. More than that, you’re not sure you can even afford it. What happens when Jan 1 rolls around and you don’t have a policy? Don’t let that happen. Hop on the exchange, […]
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