
7 Ways to Reduce Business Waste and Save Money
Does your company generate as much garbage or maybe more garbage than it did 2 years ago? If you reduce business waste it saves money on expensive waste removal, but likewise shows market management and social accountability by lowering greenhouse gas emissions plus lowering the worldwide threats to human health triggered by our waste products. Waste is cultural. […]

Home Building 101: DIY Building Projects that will Save you Money
Do-it-yourself projects are all about adding value to your home. This value can be financial, functional or aesthetic. The problem isn’t coming up with ideas that will do this. Almost anything you can think of will contribute towards the overall value of your home. The challenge is deciding on what building projects will return the […]

Smart Mobile Marketing Techniques for Small Business
More than half of American adults are using cell phones and other mobile devices to stay connected online. That’s why it’s so important to take mobile website marketing into consideration when planning your overall outreach strategy. Aside from having a mobile-friendly website design, there are many other creative mobile marketing techniques you can put into […]

Property Investment: best way in which you can save for your retirement
The property market has always been seen as an excellent way of saving for retirement. Houses are solid, long lasting structures which usually appreciate in value. Investing in property will provide either a nice one-off lump sum or can provide a regular monthly income. When it comes to getting started in property investment there are […]

An Emergency Fund Can Keep You In Hot Water
One of the basic tools used in personal finance is the emergency fund. The emergency fund does many things for you but the most important thing it does is it keeps you out of debt. For many people an emergency fund is a foreign concept, saving money for a rainy day, isn’t that what […]

Should you repair or replace that broken TV
When your TV, Washer, or A/C breaks your forced with the dreaded decision of repair or replace. On one hand you want to save money by repairing it but on the other you secretly want to buy a new one. This dilemma is usually worse when it comes to televisions. You hate that old clunky 25 inch […]
How to Save a Little Money on your Daily Coffee Habit
Americans love their coffee. According to BestCoffeeForYou.com , the United States is the foremost coffee-drinking country in the world. Americans are responsible for drinking down over 400 million cups a day. Sometimes I think I’m to blame for at least half that. Coffee lovers listen up: It may be time to re-evaluate your morning jolt. […]
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