
4 Ways to Charitably Give That You Might Not Have Considered
Many people are helped by charity every single year. It helps to save lives, and it makes the lives of the needy much better than they would be otherwise. One way to save on your taxes each year is to give a portion of your income to charity. The government wants to incentivize charitable giving […]

How Car Donation in New York City Benefits Both Donors and Charity
Car donation is a unique way to get rid of the old rickety cars that are no longer wanted or needed. This is not only beneficial from tax standpoint but also helps you avoid the painstaking task of having to sell your vehicle privately. Car donation for charity is one of the most common practices […]

Finding Real Solutions to Help Feed Hungry Children
View image | Helping to Feed Children Most people in the U.S. don’t realize that many children live in poor households that struggle to get food on the table on a regular basis. An estimated 15 to 17 million children suffer from hunger in the U.S. There is no lack of available food in […]

4 Ways Your Group Can Use Candle Fundraising for Fun and Profit
The country’s romance with candle is real, and it can be an opportunity for any organization willing to invest for a fundraising venture. Although it may seem to be easy money, there is hard work involved and it needs a dedicated team in order to work. Understanding some tips can help for a successful candle […]

Building To Make A Difference In Other People’s Lives Overseas
In our consumer, ‘money means everything’ age, it is hard to understand why anyone would volunteer their time and skills for no financial reward. However, many people are doing just that working on building projects in other countries to help those less fortunate than themselves. The volunteers come from all walks of life. Some are […]

4 Benefits of Donating Your Vehicle to Charity
Donating your vehicle to charity allows you to find value in a car, truck, boat, motorhome or other vehicle that is no longer useful to you. There are many ways a donated vehicle can benefit a charitable cause you care about, and there are many ways donating a vehicle can benefit you as well. Learning […]
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