How You Affect Your Credit Score
Your credit score is made up of many facets, and you can think of it like a pie or pie chart. Things such as paying what bills and credit you have now in a timely manner makes up a large percentage of your score, or a larger slice of the pie. The types of credit […]
So You’ve Got a Bad Credit Score, What’s the Big Deal?
When you’re weighed down by bills, loans, and debt, not to mention overwhelmed by attending school, going to work, and raising a family, it may seem difficult to find time not only to fix your credit score, but to care about it too. But the problem with ignoring your credit altogether is that it could […]
Can Personal Loans Improve Your Credit Score?
Personal loans sometimes have a bad reputation that they do not deserve, understanding them and even sometimes the benefits they have to offer will help us to get out of debt faster and with less hassle. Below are many ways in which a personal loan can actually help you improve your credit score! Help With […]
How Balance Transfer Credit Cards Can Save You A Small Fortune
Whether you’re an experienced cardholder or a credit novice, odds are at one time or another you’ve payed some interest on your credit card. It happens to the best of us, and one or two interest payments isn’t such a big deal if you keep your balance low. However, if you realize that month after […]
Get Updated on Your Financial Situation with a Credit Report
There is a lot of talk about credit today and the need to know what type of rating you have. Most people who make purchases on credit do not pay the full amount off when the bill comes. They usually make a minimum payment so they still have some spending cash on hand. By dragging […]
How to Fix Your Credit Report Yourself
You have seen the advertisements, by credit repair services, that they can erase your bad debt from your credit report. For a fee they can remove bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and bad loans from your credit file forever. Don’t believe these claims: they’re very likely signs of a scam. Attorneys at the nation’s consumer protection agency say they’ve […]
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