Identity Theft

The Equifax Breach – Freedom Debt Relief Points Out New Things to Look For
As much as we’d all like the Equifax breach to just go away, the fact remains that personal information for 143 million Americans was affected. Even if nothing has happened yet to you, you can’t help but feel that it could, at any moment. Like most people, you’ve probably done the obvious things like keep […]

Do Identity Theft Protection Services Work?
According to a recent FTC (Federal Trade Commission) Report, identity theft was the top complaint from consumers in the year 2014. Many of the other studies and reports also show: A significant increase in data breaches in the year 2014 when compared to the year 2013. Financial services and the retail sector have seen 12% […]

The Most Common Ways Consumers Become Victims of Identity Theft
Identity theft is quickly becoming a vice that is affecting many people worldwide. Each year, millions of consumers lose billions of dollars from identity theft cases. Unless consumers know how to better guard themselves against this vice, identity theft crimes will continue to increase. Let’s look at some of the ways consumers fall victim to […]

What to Do When You’re a Victim of Identity Theft: Your First 6 Steps
Image Credit: Don Hankins In today’s world, identity theft is a real, serious threat. According to Drayden Insurance Ltd., “Identity theft refers to all types of crime in which someone uses your credit card, driver’s license, social insurance number or other personal identification numbers to commit fraud or other criminal activity.” Your identity could be […]

Mobile Banking: A Guide to Staying Safe
Anyone over 30 must remember how making a withdrawal or deposit at the bank used to be a complete hassle. You needed to visit the bank and stand in line for every little thing that you needed done. While accessing our bank accounts on our home computers has spared us this kind of hassle for […]

Ways To Protect Your Information Online Without Spending Money
There are a lot of reasons why your personal information may be floating around online. However, there are ways that you can protect your information from being misused. What are your options when it comes to protecting your information without having to spend money doing so? Choose Your Host Carefully Many website hosting services will […]

What to Do after Your Identity’s been Stolen
You’ve found out that your identity has been stolen. So what should you do now? In this brief guide you will find out some of the first steps you should take when you find out your identity has been stolen, tips for detecting identity theft, and resources to help you in this whole process. […]

Identity Theft – A Serious Issue Requiring a Concrete Solution
One in ten Americans faces identity theft regularly. The number will increase in the next two years or so. Measures should be taken at the earliest to prevent identity fraud or be prepared to face serious trouble later. Of late, many identity protection services have cropped up; however, services and genuine plans at affordable rates […]
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