
5 Simple Ways to Minimize College Expenses
A lot of college students these days struggle just of finish a degree. Getting a diploma is essential to land a good job and earn considerable salary. Some students do not have issues regarding monetary aspect are likely to finish their studies. But for others, saving money and minimizing expenses while studying is a big […]

Paying For College: A Writer’s Guide
If you’re considering or currently majoring in creative writing, finding scholarships that put your creative talent to use can be a difficult thing. There aren’t that many options out there and you have to do a whole lot of searching to find a decent one. So from one writer to another, here’s compiled a list […]

A Basic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Advanced Degrees
Even though more and more people have begun doubting the value of bachelor’s degrees, the evidence incontrovertibly points to the fact that you’re much better off, over the course of your life, if you go to college and complete a degree program. But what about advanced degrees? Many recent graduates and workers hoping to switch […]

Is a 529 Plan a Saving or Investment Vehicle?
529 Plans, sometimes referred to as “College Savings Plans”, are investment vehicles used for the purpose of saving money for a child’s education. Parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles can put money into a plan (or the same plan) for a college bound child with very few restrictions. Obviously, one cannot put more into a […]

Ways To Get College Loans Without Having A Cosigner
Over the past decade, the recessing economy has made it quite difficult to get a job. Those without college degrees tend to have an even more difficult time to get a job, and because of this, going to college has quickly become a necessity for people looking to have a good career. At the same […]

3 Unique Colleges That Offer Free Tuition
Every year, thousands of college students are able to significantly decrease their tuition responsibilities by earning scholarships and federal grants, but wouldn’t it be nice if they could find a way to reduce their responsibility to zero? Although it would be impossible to give everyone a free college education, there are some who truly deserve […]

Smart Ways for Students To Invest Money
For college students it seems very difficult to save and invest money. There is no easy way to invest money. But, if you start investing from an early age then it will help for your financial development over the years. There are ways to invest but before you start investing clear off all your debts. […]

10 Tips on How to Get College Scholarships
College tuition seems to go up every year. Figuring out ways to pay your tuition is tough. If you haven’t pursued college scholarships you are missing out on a source of money that can substantially reduce your costs. A scholarship is money you are given and will never have to repay. The trouble people have is finding […]

How to Balance Saving for College vs Saving for Retirement – Infographic
There are two major things that every family has to save for, college and retirement. Figuring out how to do both correct is not easy to do. Most people end up not doing either one. The infographic below shows ways to accomplish both goals. Check it out. Related articles Saving for Beer or Retirement the […]
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