workers compensation

Managing Costs in Your Worker’s Compensation Claim
Navigating the complexities of a worker’s compensation claim can be a daunting process, filled with various considerations from medical expenses to lost wages, and even potential legal battles. Knowing what to expect and how to manage these components effectively can make a significant difference in your experience and outcome. This article aims to shed light […]

How to Be There | Ways You Can Help a Coworker After a Work Accident
When a coworker gets involved in a workplace accident, it can be challenging for everyone involved. Seeing someone you work alongside getting injured can be a traumatizing experience for anyone in the workplace. While the person who got hurt may need some time to recover, it’s also important that their work continues smoothly. As their […]

How to Find Financial Peace After a Workplace Accident
Regardless of the industry, you work in. On-the-job accidents can happen. If you’ve been injured at work, it’s important to know your rights and what steps to take to ensure you can maintain financial stability for yourself and your family. Here’s a brief overview of what you need to do if you’ve been injured on […]

Workers Compensation: When to Get a Lawyer Involved
Workplace accidents are a common problem and are usually not a big deal. Generally, you can work with your employer to solve any problems that may arise from an injury at work. However, there are some cases that are more complicated where you may need to get an attorney involved. Your Employer Is Denying that […]

Construction Injuries: The Financial Impact to Workers
The economic recession and bursting of the housing bubble around 2008 brought on difficult times for those working in the construction industry. Luckily, the economy and housing market have both been in a steady recovery, so there’s finally more work to help construction workers stay on their feet financially. These hard jobs often pay well, […]

Getting Compensation When You’ve Been Hurt on the Job
Accidents on the job wreak havoc on the lives of employees every year. The most common incidents involve injuries caused by excessive lifting or strain, when heavy loads take a toll on those who put in a hard day’s work every day. Back injuries are a major problem, as well as mishaps involving falls. Machinery […]

New Changes to Singapore Personalized Employment Pass
Effective December 1, 2012, the revisions require that foreign professionals working in Singapore earn a minimum annual salary of S$144,000 in order to keep their work personal employment pass active. This is a dramatic increase from the previous earnings requirement of only S$34,000 per year. Statements released by MOM indicate the new revisions have been […]

How to Deal with an Accident that Wasn’t Your Fault and Your Entitlement to No Win No Fee Compensation
From injuries at work to injuries on holiday; if you are involved in an accident that is not your fault and is caused by negligence or by the fault of a third party, then you could be entitled to compensation. There are many benefits companies can offer you so ensure you search online to find […]
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