
The Link Between Credit Strategies and Achieving your Financial Goals
Personal credit strategies are important for managing finances and getting out of the debt trap. Unfortunately, people gradually learn the strategies through the sorrowful trial and error process, which is at times costly enough. Here are a few tips that can be helpful in managing your personal credit so that you prevent yourself from getting […]

An Empty Wallet: A College Student’s Guide to Living On a Budget
For students, college life often seems impossible to manage. These individuals must focus upon their education yet find time to earn money. Financial aid doesn’t always cover a students expenses, and parents can’t always afford the costs. Unfortunately, this leaves students to work and study hard every waking moment. Money shortfalls hurt college students in […]

Six Steps To Take When Recovering From Your Financial Burdens
In today’s world, there are few things more problematic for people than to get into some kind of financial hardship. There are many things that can cause a person to get sunk in a real financial hole. Although it’s hard to escape that kind of crushing debt, there are a few strategies that you can […]

The Best Ways To Manage Your Money In 2014
Managing money is one of those essential life skills they don’t teach enough in schools. The difference between a home with a solid grasp on the numbers and a home with no budgeting is evident, and this difference can lead to significant differences in wealth. Moving in to 2014, there is no better time to […]

Is It Financially Viable To Keep Our Own Chickens?
Whether you like it or not, keeping your own chickens that produce fresh eggs every single day is somewhat of a gateway to rural living. Once people get their own chickens, pretty soon they move onto harder, more serious commitments like keeping cattle for milk, or even a few sheep so they’re able to make […]

Feeling the Grunt from the Festive Season? 7 Habits of Highly Successful Savers that will Prepare You for Next Year
Holidays can be a super exciting time, but it can be such a whirlwind of presents and forking out money that when it’s time to get back to reality – you’re broke, exhausted and have a lot of catching up to do. There are a handful of us that are money smart during the festive […]

Five Helpful Tips to Overcome Debt and Financial Worries
Financial worries are always the number one cause of stress for most people who are in high debt situation. Mostly in America where the economic recession is at an all time high, the idea of coping up and how to properly handle one’s finances are always a great concern. In times when debt and bills […]

Do You Really Need New Clothes? 5 Tips For Saving Money on Threads
You may be wondering if you really need new clothes. Many of us look around our wardrobes and feel that we keep wearing the same old pieces of clothing over and over again. You may think that it is necessary to buy new clothing in order to spruce up your wardrobe, but there are a […]

Getting Your Debt Under Control: 6 Steps To a Brighter Financial Future
Debt is a problem that plagues so many people in the world, and it is something that is hard to overcome once it gets out of control. Nearly half of the American population carries some sort of credit balance from month to month, and as you would assume, carrying credit balances is what sets people […]
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