
What Will Affect the Euro in the Coming Year?
The Eurozone is currently navigating its way through its most turbulent time since forming in 1999. Theories about the union’s value and future continue to arise as businesses, individuals and governments all consider the impacts of recent events and prepare for those which lie in store. All 19 Eurozone members which currently use the Euro […]
Get a Better Exposure and a Boost in Sales by Installing an Atm at Your Business Premises
Embed from Getty Images An ATM machine in your business premises can benefit your business in several ways. The ATMs are installed for the purpose of using by customers and helping them get the cash conveniently and easily. These machines are commonly found in places like departmental stores, convenience stores, clubs, casinos and various other […]

Banks Loans Versus Credit Union Loans: Who Has the Advantage?
Consumers who are interested in loans clearly want the best rates, services, and overall experience possible from their lender. They have a decision to make: should they seek a loan with a bank or opt for CU lending with a local credit union? The answer to that question is complicated, and will in large part […]

Credit Unions: Are They Better Than a Bank?
Credit unions and banks are two completely different entities that some people think are the same thing. Credit unions are actually a non-for-profit organization that works to serve their members only instead of trying to turn a profit. Banks, on the other hand, are interested in their bottom line. Both credit unions and banks make […]

Reasons to Consider Automating Those Accounts Processes
If you walk through your accounts office, you are likely to see people wading through piles of paper which they would rather not have on their desks. This has been the way of finance departments throughout the decades, but things are starting to change – and automation, for many, is on its way. It is […]

Three Steps to Lead the Career Path in Banking & Finance
A career in banking is one of the most dignified jobs that people since ever have been considering. A niche industry, banking provides a wide range of opportunities in different roles and functions. The way to lead a bright career in this industry, strong educational base and dedicated professionalism are the top requirements. With more […]

The Best Cloud Apps for Your Personal Money Management
Everyone knows that they should be doing more to keep track of their spending and to monitor their budget. By creating a smart budget that takes into account all the money you have coming in and going out, you can work out precisely how much money you have to spend at the end of the […]

High Street Banks: No Longer the Cheapest Borrowing Option?
Historically, if you wanted a loan, mortgage, savings account or credit card your first port of call would be your bank. This was mainly due to the fact that banks would offer the best rates, and because you already have a relationship with them this would generally pay in your favour. However, since the ‘credit […]

How to Open a Bank Account in the UK
When you want to open a bank account in the UK, you need to consider a few key issues. Think about what type of bank account you need, what you need to consider before you open such an account, and whether you want to switch accounts rather than open an account from scratch. Here’s a […]
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