Benefits of Scrap Metal Recycling in North Haven
Scrap metal recycling benefits and preserves the Earth and her resources in a lot of different ways. This article clearly spells out the most significant benefits of scrap metal recycling.
We all know that recycling is “good.” It benefits the environment and saves resources. In simple words, it contributes to a greener Earth. But what are the specifics of these so called benefits? Hearing about them in detail has more of an impact than just merely hearing the word “benefits.” So let us have a look at the primary benefits of scrap metal recycling.
1. Saves Iron Ore
When steel is made from recycled scrap instead of virgin iron ore, it reduces the need to mine for more iron ore. The EPA has reported that for every ton of steel made from recycled scrap, 1115kg (roughly 2458 pounds) of virgin iron ore is saved.
2. Reduces Mining Wastes
Mining for any substance creates a certain amount of mining waste. Mining waste is nothing but the tailings that are left over when the process of extracting an ore from the earth is complete. This waste is often filled with chemicals from the extraction process that are toxic to the environment. The recycling of scrap metal reduces these wastes by 97%, says the EPA.
3. Reduces Air and Water Pollution
When scrap metal is recycled, the reduction in mining wastes further leads to the overall reduction in pollution. The EPA found that through scrap metal recycling there is an 86% reduction in air pollution and a 76% reduction in water pollution. These are not small numbers.
4. Saves Energy and Water
All the energy that would otherwise go into mining for coal and iron ore is saved when steel and iron are made from scrap metal instead. Other resources like limestone and raw materials that are used for mining are also saved. The EPA reports that there is a 40% reduction in water use and a 75% of overall savings in energy.
As scrap metal recycling is beginning to gain more and more popularity all over the world, there has been a significant rise in metal recycling plants all over the United States of America. North Haven alone is home to 181 known metal recycling plants that are spread out across the city. This is very encouraging to the residents of North Haven as it indicates that the city is doing as much as it can and is taking the recycling of all recyclable materials very seriously.
If you are encouraged by these statistics and are looking to sell your scrap metal, you can look up scrap metal recycling plants in your location or, Liberty Metals, Chet’s Auto Parts Inc, Sattler Scrap Metal, Eco East Recycling and Sims Metal in North Haven are some reliable metal management companies that you can choose from.
Do you currently own a scrap yard? You can also get listed on websites and Apps. For instance iscrapApp lists Sims Metal in North Haven making it a lot easier for customers to find them online:
If you are not a resident of North Haven or are planning to move to another city, there are some great metal management companies that have branches all across the United States. For instance, Sims Metal is not only in North Havenbut is also located in cities like Memphis, Sacramento, etc. So don’t hesitate to look up scrap yards in your vicinity and get scrapping!

Category: Save Energy
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