7 Ways to Cut Back on Transportation Costs

| June 13, 2018

Transportation CostsEveryone wants to save a little money. Often, it seems like our vehicle is sucking all of our money. How often do you have to fill up your tank? At least once a week? That sounds about right.

You’re easily spending hundreds of dollars a month to fill up your tank. It seems like a necessary evil. But is there anyway to cut back on some of these transportation related costs, and put a little bit of money back into your pocket? Here are a few tips!

Clean out your car

This is probably one of the most shocking tips. Most of us have a pile of trash and useless items lying around on the floor of our cars.

Did you know that an extra 100 pounds sitting in your trunk will reduce your fuel economy by 2%? That doesn’t seem like a lot, but it adds up pretty quickly.

Clean out your car, and you’ll start saving just a little bit. Plus, now your car will be clean.

Tune up your car

Transportation CostsGetting your car tuned up goes a long way. Things like improper tire pressure and old air filters can do a lot of damage to your vehicle.

Not only can it cause you to drive less efficiently, but it can also cost you a lot in repairs if your car goes within the necessary checkup for too long.

Taking your car in for a quick tune up is usually relatively inexpensive, and it will save you on gas and more expensive emergency repairs!

Public transportation

Sometimes, public transportation just isn’t possible. But depending on what city you live in, you could be able to rely on public transportation for some of your short distance traveling.

A metro card is less expensive than gas. Another great option is riding your bike when you have to travel short distances. That’s better for the environment, too, and helps you get in a little extra cardio.

Work from home part time

This isn’t an option for everyone. But if your company will allow it, and you have the motivation to work from home, telecommuting will cut your transportation costs completely!

Even if you work from home just a few days out of the week, you’ll save lots on transportation. Plus, having employees work from home can save your employer a lot of money, too!

Roll your windows down while you drive

Transportation CostsRunning your air conditioner during the summer takes up a lot more fuel than you’d expect. If you just rolled down your windows instead, and turned off the air, you could improve your fuel efficiency up to 10%!

That is a staggering statistic. Imagine how much further you could go on a tank of gas with 10% more gas everytime that you filled up your tank?

Drive at a steady pace

Do you drive with a lead foot on the gas pedal? Studies have shown that driving with frequent accelerations and sudden stops wastes a lot of gas.

If you choose to drive at a steady and smooth pace, your fuel efficiency will improve dramatically. As an added bonus, your passengers will thank you.

A great way to improve your driving habits, is to set your cruise control when you’re driving on the interstate. This will help you keep a steady driving pace and this smoother pace can improve your fuel efficiency up to 35%.

Get your auto loan refinanced

Although this is an indirect transportation cost, it’s a big one! Most people qualify for refinancing of their car within the first year of getting their auto loan.

Getting your loan refinanced can help you get a lower interest rate, which results in a lower loan payment. In turn, this will help you pay off your loan so much faster, which will cut your transportation costs in half, if not more.

Ask your bank or credit union if you qualify for refinancing. You can also shop around for other banks in your area who are willing to offer you a better interest rate.


Category: Automotive

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