7 Things about Criminal Laws That Everyone Must Know In Their Defense
Falling victim to an unexpected legal situation is not something you can control all the time; no matter how carefully you spend your days. Some things are usually out of our hands and cannot be controlled. While finding yourself in any such situation is not very soothing, you should always stay attentive so that you don’t get yourself into deeper trouble.
While you don’t need to know every law in the book in and out, here are some vital laws you should be aware of in order to keep yourself protected from falling victim to a serious fraud or conspiracy in any such situation:
1. You Have a Right to Stay Silent
When you are arrested or taken in for questioning regarding a crime, you have a complete right to stay silent. The police cannot interrogate you unless they have strong evidence against you. Therefore, you should always refrain from giving any statement unless you have consulted with a professional criminal lawyer about your situation.
2. Your Silence Will Not Make You Guilty
Staying silent is your right and cannot be used against you as a negative point, even if the police tell you otherwise. Remember that police can lie or threaten you so that you may give a hasty statement. While your silence cannot be used against you, anything that you might say can be, and will be used against you so stay silent until you consult with your lawyer.
3. You Can Ask for a Lawyer
It is your right to ask for your lawyer and wait for them before you answer any question. You cannot be pressed by claims regarding lack of time or anything else. No matter how long it takes for your lawyer to get to you, you are under no obligation to answer any questions asked by the police.
4. You Can Ask Police to Dictate Your Rights
It is the responsibility of the police to state your rights clearly before they can question you. If your rights are not dictated, you can ask for them clearly. Miranda Rights are obligatory to be dictated by the police if they are being taken under custody or for questioning.
5. You Have a Right to Refuse to a Search
While not many people are aware of this, you have a complete right to refuse to being searched by the police until you have your lawyer present. Whether it is you, your home or any other of your belongings that the police want to search, you can say no without it being used against you in any manner.
6. You Can Ask to Leave
If you are taken to the police station for questioning, or you are encountered by the police at any other place except your home, you can ask the officer to go home. You can also ask the police to leave if they come to question you at your house. If you are a suspect in a crime, you have every right to stay away from the police until you have consulted with your lawyer.
7. Innocent People Can Go To Jail
A lot of people stay under the misconception that innocent people do not go to jail. Don’t be naïve thinking you are safe since you haven’t done anything wrong. If there is enough evidence against you, you can be sentenced. So make sure not to say anything that can be used against you.
Knowing these simple laws and keeping them in your mind can come in handy. Anything that you say when facing a legal situation can be used against you so it is very important to keep your wits when you are facing any such situation. So make sure you know these basic criminal laws and remember them at the right time.
Author’s Bio:
The author is a practicing Criminal Lawyer, specializing in business crimes. The author writes about several law-related issues that people, and specifically businesses, can face, resulting in losses. In order to stay away from falling victim to any serious fraud, make sure you know the basics of criminal law. You can click here to find advice or a solicitor to help you in this regard.

Category: Law