6 Ways to Keep Your Car Insurance Affordable
Because the cost of car insurance is rising each and every year, car owners have been looking for ways to make their insurance more affordable. Low income car owners, however, have been hit by rising insurance premiums the most. This sector of the population generally has low incomes but high car insurance costs, especially if they have a bad driving record over the years. There are certain steps you can take and if you follow these tips you can keep your car insurance premiums as low as possible for years to come.
The best way for anybody to keep car insurance premiums low is to ensure that your driving record is clean and you never get into any at-fault accidents. Your insurance company is bound to get wind of any problems with your driving record at some point, so keeping out of trouble is the best policy.
Aside from the obvious benefits of showing you how to control your car effectively, many insurance companies provide discounts to drivers who take defensive driving courses.
Many people do not use their cars very much. Often, a persons car is only used for short drives down to the shops or to visit family. Some insurance companies provide discounts to people who use their car very little, as a reflection of the sharply decreased risk involved by driving occasionally. It is well worth speaking to your current insurer to see whether any such offers exist, and if not, consider switching insurance companies.
Insurance companies just love to see medical reports come in outlining issues with vision, as this is a great excuse for them to hike their premiums. If you detect issues with your vision, it may be worth your while to visit an optometrist to see whether corrective lenses can be worn to ensure that while on the road, these vision problems will have no impact on your ability to drive safely. This not only looks good to an insurance company, but it also helps to keep you safe while on the road.
Many people do not have access to the Internet, and hence do not ‘shop around’ to get the best rates on their car insurance. It is a good idea to shop around, so if you do not know anybody willing to source quotations for you, get out your copy of the White Pages and start calling around. If you do have internet access, shop around online to find the cheapest rates at autoinsurance-deals.com.
Many people use their cars so infrequently that it may be cheaper to get rid of the car altogether and just take cabs whenever transport is needed. Often, the cost in cab fares that will be incurred by not driving will be less than the yearly insurance premium.
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Category: Insurance
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