5 Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding
If your wedding day is approaching, do not stress out! It is a perfectly normal to get nervous over little details as it will be such a big day for you, but there are solutions for every little problem that may turn up. It is no secret that weddings are expensive, but if managing your finances is a problem and you have the feeling you might be spending too much on the ceremony, we have gathered five tips for you on how to save money on your wedding. Relax, and give them a read!
1. Find the right location
A common worry for the soon-to-be-married is finding the right location for the wedding. Is the location big enough, fancy enough? This is usually a bigger issue for the couple than it is for the guests, who are just delighted to be coming. So Instead of looking for locations away from the town or city you live in, consider options that are close to where the most of your guests live. This way, both you and you guests will save on travel and accommodation.
2. Great outfits don’t have to be expensive
As getting married is such a special occasion, you don’t want to scrimp on your own dress, but if you find your budget for the bridesmaids’ outfit is restricted, fear not, because you can find a lot of lovely body dresses on the New Look site, all of which are gorgeous yet won’t break the bank.
3. Throw an alternative party
As Huffington Post suggested in the past, you don’t have to rent out an expensive location with the best cooks and musicians you can find. As long as the people you love are there, there are no rules about how to celebrate. You could host a wedding breakfast in your favorite restaurant, have a beach-based wedding barbecue if you live by the sea and if you can be sure of warm weather, host a pot-luck wedding picnic in the park
4. Cut down on the guest list
This is probably the trickiest tip out of them all to follow, but if you are still running with a tight budget, it might be an idea to reconsider your amount of invitees and restrict it to only close friends and family – you can host a party with any other guests you weren’t able to invite at a later date.
5. Ask your musician friends to play
One of the biggest expenses of a wedding can be the hiring of a band and/or a DJ. Why don’t you ask any musician friends to play for you? Instead of hiring a DJ, why not spend an afternoon or two with your intended creating a playlist? Then you can simply plug your laptop or iPod into the sound system and you’ll be good to go for the evening!

Category: Saving Money