5 Ways To Change Gears When Downsizing Drives Over You
Downsizing is a common occurrence for many employees in today’s sour economy. After this happens, you may have feelings of shame, hurt and depression, especially if this was a particular job that you enjoyed. However, wallowing in self-pity isn’t going to get you anywhere, and you need to dust yourself off and get on with your career life.
1. Develop A Tight Budget
Because you may be off work until you find another job, you’re going to want to develop a budget that allows you to watch your pennies. Take into account any unnecessary luxuries such as a latte at your favorite coffee house, dinner or lunches on the town and new shoes. Take a hard look at your budget and factor in the essentials to help keep your finances afloat.
You can also go over your current budget to see if there are any areas where you can cut back your monthly expenses. When my company went out of business, the first thing I did was attack and cut down our budget. This will help you reduce stress and allow you to take the necessary time you need to search for the ideal career. Don’t add to your financial stress with the loss of your job by having the added woes ofnot being able to meet your budget and bills.
2. Enlist An Executive Coach
An executive coach is a knowledgeable and experienced professional who has been in your shoes. They understand the different emotional stages you will experience due to the loss of your job. An executive coach can help implement techniques to keep you mentally fit in order to push the temporary career downtime you are dealing with in your life. This handy individual can open up a wide array of top career opportunities and set a plan in motion to help you achieve your goals.
Based on your likes and dislikes, executive coaches will be able to take control of your situation and enforce pertinent steps to help you become forceful, focused and self-aware. They can also provide constructive feedback that will allow you to achieve balance with both family and career. If you get lost along the way, they are there to help you get back on track and increase your motivation.
3. Be Open To Career Options
Downsizing is the ideal opportunity for you to reassess your career goals. A coach can help open the door to other career options such as owning your own business. They can instill in you the inner strength and confidence you will need after being knocked out of the corporate circle. If you’ve always wanted to be a chef or own your own advertising firm, an executive coach can provide you with the tools that are necessary in order for it to come to fruition.
4. Make Time For Healthy Habits
Your positivity is going to be at an all-time low, especially if your job search is taking longer than expected. You can give your outlook a boost by making time for healthy habits. Exercise and eating right is a beneficial way to keep in shape, and it can you maintain a positive and healthy outlook on a bleak situation. It can also boost your spirits and help you feel energized to search for other avenues of employment.
5. Network And Stay Connected
You should also stay connected to family and friends. This can help prevent loneliness and help you avoid sinking into a pit of despair. You should also keep in touch with other co-workers and people who were important in the business world. Networking with family and former co-workers can be the key to you escaping the unemployment merry-go-round. They may open up other avenues that are important to your career.
While downsizing may come as a shock to most individuals, you can take this opportunity and turn it into a positive learning experience. With the help of an executive coach, the right guidance, and keeping an open mind, your job prospects may be more advantageous than in the position you held before.
Nadine Swayne presents these tips to help encourage the downsized not to become downtrodden. Noomii(dot)com can help you locate executive coaches near you that will empower you to create your next career path!

Category: Business