5 Tips to Help You Save on Car Insurance
You have bought a brand new car and now you are stuck with the expense of loan repayment, fuel charges, maintenance and most importantly, the car insurance premium. This early payment accounts for a large chunk of your expense. You may not be able to cut down on your loan repayment amount or your cost on fuel, but you can surely save on your car insurance. Given below are five tips that will help you save on your car insurance –
- Do A Little Research And Compare
The first tip that experts give for saving on car insurance is to research and compare the offers made by different insurance companies before choosing any particular insurance. Before you zero in on a car insurance deal, check around. All insurance companies have their websites, visit those and see which ones offer you a better deal. There are many websites where you can compare Car Insurance Quotes and pick an insurance premium that suits your need.
- Buy Low-Profile Cars
The easiest way to save on your car insurance is to be buy “low-profile” cars. Low-profile cars are those that are less likely to attract the attention of thieves and police. There are certain cars which attract more attention than others. There are lists available in the website of insurance companies which mentions the low-profile cars, check those and then proceed to buy a car. If you take into account the insurance cost before buying the car, you will be able to save a lot.
- High Deductibles
Deductible is the amount of money you are willing to pay to cover damage before your insurance cover pays for it. Have an emergency fund from where you can cover some minor problems like a dented door or a broken tail light. If you agree to cover more deductibles on your own, you will have to pay lower premium. Lower premium automatically brings down the cost of the insurance and helps you save precious bucks.
- Maintain Your Vehicle And Drive Safely
Your car insurance covers for any damage your car faces due to bad maintenance and driving. If you are a driver who drives safely and does a good job maintaining the car, then you can opt for an insurance that doesn’t make you spend too much on these expenses. This will help you save up and also help you keep your car in a good shape for a long time.
- Ask For Better Deals
When you have a quote from an insurance agent, you can always go ahead and show it to another insurance company and ask whether they can offer a better deal.
Saving small amounts on your monthly insurance premium goes a long way in helping you save a large amount on your car insurance. Before you get car insurance, always do a little research and find out what needs to be covered and what can be discounted. Modify the insurance to suit your needs.
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Category: Car Insurance