5 Inexpensive CRM Tactics for Online Businesses
When you’re running an online business, something that you have to remain constantly aware of is doing all that you can in order to keep your customers happy and satisfied. A part of what that means is offering them excellent Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
If you would like some tips on how you can effectively do that, we have provided you with five inexpensive CRM tactics that work well for virtually all kinds of online businesses below:
Build a customer profile for each individual. All of us want to feel like we are special. One way that you can do that for your customers is to set up a customer profile for each one of them. It can include things like their birthday, their most common purchases and the date that they first bought something through your company. As a direct result, they will be thrilled to get a “Happy Birthday” and “Thanks for your business” email or card in the mail from you, for sure.
Be reachable through various mediums. Although we are definitely living in the internet era (which we will address in the second tip), it’s still a good idea to have a phone number and mailing address where your customers can reach you. Also, when it comes to your website, it’s convenient for both you and them if you install an online chat feature too. Speak with your web hosting company about how much it will cost to add that to your site.
Respond to comments on your social media accounts. One of the reasons why social media is such a powerful tool is because it gives people the opportunity to connect directly, not just with their family members and friends but also the customer sales associates of some of their favorite companies too. So, if you happen to that notice questions, comments or concerns are posted on your Facebook fan page or Twitter account, make the time to respond to them. It’s a great way to establish a great rapport with current and prospective customers.
Instill a customer loyalty program. Something that more and more companies are doing is instilling a customer loyalty program. It’s one of the best ways to insure that you can get your customers to continue to patron your company. So whether it’s by instilling a point system, starting a VIP program or simply sending coupons to your regular customers, it’s going to work into your favor to reward the ones who are consistent.
Keep your word. Having a great reputation is essential. So, if you want to be able to get some brilliant directories reviews , make sure that you keep your word to each and every customer that you have. For example, if you promise them that they’ll get a package in 48 hours, send their shipment overnight. If they have a complaint and you claim that you will call them back by the end of the business day, be sure to do so. By fully following through with what you say you’re going to do, that will make your customers confident in your level of professional integrity; it’s a surefire way to keep your customers coming back for years to come.

Category: Business