4 Ways Your Shingles Are Telling You That It’s Time to Call a Roofing Contractor

Roofing Contractor
A home’s roof usually lasts many years, but when it does come time to replace it, it can be a costly repair, especially if it’s not caught early.
That is why it is important to check your roof periodically for signs of shingle damage.
If you notice any of the following conditions to your roof shingles, you should call a roofing contractor for a repair estimate before the problem expands to become more expensive.
Mildew and Mold
Shingles that are covered with green or black mildew or mold may be at risk of breaking down.
The fungi can also creep under and possibly between the shingles to invade your home, which can be a danger to your family’s health.
Insects may also build nests in the overgrowth and eventually make their way inside.
In mild cases, if caught early, you can use a commercial product or bleach mixture to kill the growth and save your shingles if they are not heavily damaged. Otherwise, replacement work may be needed.
Ferns, moss, vines, and tree branches that climb all over your roof can often fill or create crevices among the roof shingles.
Prune away shrubs and trees that are tall enough and close enough to reach your roof.
If plant growth has already taken hold of the shingled areas, the shingles may be too damaged to salvage and have to be replaced.
If you notice that even a few shingles are torn, chipped, or broken, you may want to get a detailed inspection from a professional roofing contractor.
Sometimes major damage is not visible from below the house or even on the roof.
Deterioration can occur beneath the shingles that allow moisture from snow or rain to creep into the home’s structure and harm the attic or other interior areas.
Missing Shingles
When you see that some shingles have blown away after a windstorm or due to normal wear and tear, don’t wait too long to get a repair estimate.
Damage to your home may already be occurring at the exposed spots where shingles have fallen off.
Replacing the missing shingles now will be less pricey than waiting to re-roof the entire house.
Don’t wait for a major weather catastrophe to damage your shingles and the roof below.
Check them now for signs of early problems and get them taken care of to save money on bigger repairs later.
Category: Home Repair