4 Ways to Protect Your Investment to Give Your New Roof a Long Lifespan

| February 6, 2021
New Roof

New Roof

A little bit of roof damage can quickly become a major headache for a homeowner because that barrier is your first line of defense against the elements.

That is why it is so important to come up with a comprehensive plan that extends the lifespan of your roof so that it continues to protect your home for many years to come.

Remove Debris

There are a few different reasons why you should remove debris from your new roof as soon as you notice it.

When debris collects on a roof, it is going to trap moisture, and that can lead to excessive damage.

Piles of clutter also make perfect hiding places for critters, and a pest infestation could quickly result in severe damage to your roof and the rest of your home.

Regularly Clean the Gutters

Many homeowners don’t realize that keeping their rain gutters and downspouts clean is one of the most important home maintenance tasks that anyone can do.

Your rain gutters and downspouts allow water to flow off your roof so that the moisture doesn’t damage the shingles and all of the underlying materials.

When the leaves are falling, you might have to clean your gutters and downspouts as often as once every few days.

Immediately Replace Damaged and Missing Shingles

A single damaged or missing shingle might not seem like a big deal, but those tiles create a strong barrier that protects your roof from rain, snow, and harsh UV rays.

Immediately replacing damaged and missing shingles will greatly reduce your risk of further issues down the road. 

Luckily, an experienced roofing contractor should be able to take care of damaged and missing shingles in a single day, and that type of project should be relatively inexpensive as long as you deal with it right away.

Trim Your Trees

Trimming all of the trees on your proper is another important maintenance task that you should never ignore.

Branches can grow very quickly, and they might become weaker as they grow larger. When strong winds blow through your town, they could easily break off the larger branches and send them hurtling toward your roof.

As a general rule, there shouldn’t be any branches hanging over your roof or within 15 feet of your home.

Even if you are comfortable carrying out basic home maintenance, most jobs involving your roof should be left to the professionals.

Roof accidents are extremely common, and professional contractors are going to have the tools and training that will keep them safe.

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