4 Ways to Cut Electrical Costs at Home Despite the Heat of Summer

energy bill
Does your energy bill rise along with the summer heat? The hot and humid days of summer make it difficult for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and other appliances to keep up, and electric companies often raise rates to compensate for excess summer usage.
However, there are many ways to lower your energy bills despite the balmy weather.
Here are four ways to use less electricity and save money this summer.
Use Fans and Open Windows
How did people beat the heat before air conditioning was invented? They opened windows and turned on fans, and you can save money today by using these old-fashioned cooling methods.
A typical ceiling fan only consumes 15 to 100 watts of energy compared to 2,000 to 5,000 watts for a central air-conditioning unit.
For more serious efficient cooling power, consider investing in an attic fan or evaporative cooler.
While these won’t be replacements for an energy-efficient AC, they can make an effective complement and help reduce the strain on your cooling system.
Get a Programmable Thermostat
Adjusting your thermostat up when you’re not home is a great way to lower your electricity bill in the summer, but remembering to turn it up and down can be difficult.
Make it easy by installing a programmable thermostat that you can set to automatically change the temperature according to the time of day.
Another option is a learning thermostat that automatically adjusts to your family’s habits.
Consider Solar Panels
The sun’s rays heat your home up, but did you know they can also keep it cool?
When you install home solar panels on your roof, you can harness the sun’s energy to power your air conditioner and other appliances.
In some areas, you can even earn money by connecting to the grid and distributing your excess energy to other customers.
Contact a residential electrical contractor to have your electrical system evaluated to see how much you would save.
While going green has a lot of benefits, not every home will save enough from the change to make it worth the investment, so it’s essential that you have your home energy properly evaluated before you go signing any solar contracts.
There are also lots of tax incentives that come with going green, so make sure to look into any and all government incentives in your area when signing up.
Enroll in Average Billing
Would you like to never get another surprise energy bill again? With average billing, you can avoid unexpectedly high bills by paying an average amount over the year.
Average billing helps you manage your budget by keeping bills steady from month to month.
Ask your electric company if average billing is available in your service area.
Some companies even offer incentives to enroll, as they are just as motivated as you to want a predictable bill every month.
Are your summer energy bills still unaffordable after cutting back as much as possible?
You don’t have to swelter in the heat or risk your family’s health and safety.
Look for programs that provide energy assistance, or spend hot days outside the house at swimming pools, parks, libraries, or movie theaters.
Category: Housing