4 Home Automations for Greener Living That Saves You Money

Home Automation
These days, green living means more than investing in home products from companies who procured raw materials or created environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
Homeowners can do so much more to protect the environment.
Automated systems are one great example of modern technology changing how we interact with the world so that we’re doing so in the most positive ways possible.
Consider how these four home automation promotes green living:
Boosted Outlet Potential
Standard power outlets allow energy drain throughout the day and night from electronics, especially televisions, laptops, and printers in sleep/standby mode.
They’re also not set up for automating manual processes so that you have more efficient control over lights and appliances.
With a smart power strip, you can set a timer to shut down a specific outlet at a certain time when you’re not home or using anything plugged into it.
You can also preschedule or remotely shut off lights and other systems so that you never have to waste fuel driving home if you forget to turn off the lights before leaving for work or vacation.
Integrated Security Systems
Many homeowners use unnecessary power with home security systems that they must manually set and reset.
A fully automated security system allows you to integrate all security elements, including indoor and outdoor light systems so that they turn on/off at a preset time.
Automated security reduces environmental pollution because you won’t need to drive home the moment you receive a security alert.
Instead, you can remotely determine on your phone if an alert is valid or not.
These systems also work with carbon monoxide and fire detectors and sprinklers, which means you don’t need to worry about fire companies burning fossil fuel traveling to your home or extreme water loss in the event of a false alarm.
You can alert authorities and turn off the sprinklers with a few screen taps.
Improved Thermostat Control
People are far too prone to adjust their thermostats repeatedly even when any perceived changes in temperature are physical rather than actual temperature changes in a room.
You can set an automated thermostat to take into account a lot of factors, including outdoor changes in weather and temperature.
You can even preschedule an increase/decrease in temperature for a specific time prior to your return home from work, school, or running errands.
This type of thermostat doesn’t just save you money on energy bills.
It can show you tracking data from your home automation for the last day, week, month, and year, which can help you improve your usage and better budget for upcoming bills.
Decreased Water Usage
A lot of people wastewater daily. They manually wash dishes, use showers that aren’t set for optimal water consumption and use a garden hose and grip nozzle or sprinkler to water their lawns and gardens.
Smart home technologies make it possible for you to automate all of these areas so that you’re always saving as much water as possible.
For example, it’s well known that a dishwasher appliance uses less water than washing dishes by hand, but automated dishwashers can also detect leaks and alert you on your phone.
They even adjust the amount of water and energy based on load size. With automated shower panels and heads, you receive an alert if you bypass a certain length of time while in the shower.
Lastly, automated drip-tech irrigation systems supply just enough water to your lawn or garden at prescheduled times.
You can connect all of these home automated systems through an app on your phone, tablet, or another portable device.
Some systems, such as your home security system, offer total integration tools that allow you to control and manage every automated system without multiple apps.
Whatever home automation app options you choose, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is as kind to the environment as it is secure.
You also reap the benefit of paying less on utility and other bills.
Category: Save Energy