4 Creative Ways to Save Money on Heating and Cooling Costs
Whether you are a new homeowner just getting used to paying your utility bills or a seasoned homeowner tired of paying high electric bills in the summer and high gas bills in the winter, you are sure to appreciate some helpful hints for easing your bills down to a more comfortable level.
While you are sure to have already heard many tips already, these four creative ideas may be some that you have not yet heard of or tried.
Try adding them to your life this month, and see if you can save some money for more important things.
Use Fans Frequently
When used correctly, fans can cool your natural home air in the summer and warm you up in the winter, as they help to keep all rooms evenly heated or cooled.
Be sure to switch the direction of ceiling fans from their summer to winter settings, depending on the season. In the summer, they should be running counterclockwise.
In the winter, they should be running clockwise. Even pedestal fans or box fans can help you out if you do not have ceiling fans.
Clean Air Vents and Ducts
Dirty air vents, heating and cooling ducts, and furnace filters can increase the amount of energy it takes for heating and air conditioning to circulate throughout your entire house.
Investing in duct cleaning every few years can save you a wad of cash in the long run. Feel free to clean out your cold air return vents yourself once or twice per year, and be sure to change your furnace filter every month. You can even do this more often if you have lots of dust in your home.
Hang Blackout Curtains
Heavy duty blackout curtains are not just for keeping the sun out of your eyes as you sleep in the morning.
Instead, these window covering wonders can also dim noises and keep hot or cold air outside from seeping through the window.
Consider installing these curtains on windows that see the most sunlight during the day and for those that seem particularly drafty.
Add a Layer of Insulation

Pieces of glass thermal insulation wool on scaffold platform against house facade
Adding a layer of insulation to your attic floor can be a simple one day do-it-yourself project. Be sure to choose insulation that is best for your climate.
Check out the U.S. Department of Energy website additional recommendations. If you do not have experience with this, you may want to hire this project out to professionals.
If you live in the coldest winter regions or the hottest summer regions of the country, these creative tips are sure to come in handy for decreasing your utility bills.
However, even if you live in a more temperate zone, these tips can keep you comfortable inside your home. You’ll find that over the years, these tips and tricks will add up to big savings.
Category: Save Energy