30 Things to Know and Do Before 30
That quote probably resonates with a lot of people. If you ask around, you will quickly notice that most people are always getting ready to live.
They’re always planning a trip that never happens or claiming that they will run a marathon someday.
It’s been said that the most dangerous thing in the world is tomorrow because that’s what keeps people from really living.
In other words, too often, people are so busy waiting for tomorrow or someday that they forget to live right now.
The cure to being stagnant, to doing nothing, is to make a plan and act on it. All you need to do to start living life and to make sure that all of your music is out of you by the time you die is to start living right now, in this moment, today.
If you’re reading this and realizing that you resonate with that quote, the time for planning is over.
It’s time to start doing things, so in the spirit of living, here are 30 things you should know and do before you turn 30.
Things You Should Know Before 30
- You can do whatever you want. It’s been said that the only limits in life are the ones we set ourselves.
- There is no substitute for hard work. Hard work is the only reliable way to get results, and it seems that the people who work the hardest are the ones whom others think are the luckiest.
- Putting yourself second doesn’t work. Your first priority should be yourself, and your second should be the things and people around you that you love so dearly.
- Therapy is definitely for you. Therapy isn’t just for “people with problems.” In fact, everybody who is interested in improving the way they think, feel, and act can benefit from therapy. Contrary to popular belief, everybody experiences trauma in their youth to some degree or another, and seeing a therapist about it can help you get over it and live a healthy life.
- Your life is your responsibility. Too often, we blame or problems on life, the universe, other people, or anything else.
- Your comfort zone is the most dangerous place to be. It’s been said that life is what happens while you are sitting in your comfort zone.
- Revenge hurts you both. Letting go of the desire for revenge will help you throughout your whole life.
- People are important. The people in your life are more important than anything else.
- How to cook. Because you can’t live on ramen forever.
- Being alone isn’t lonely. If you’re living life right, you’ll always be in good company, so being alone won’t be lonely.
- Your political views matter. Take some time to research politics and determine your own political views.
- Apologizing is powerful. There are few words more powerful than “I’m sorry.”
- You don’t need social media. If you sit back and ask yourself, “What value is this contributing to my life?” you’ll soon realize that this is true.
- Everybody needs kindness. It costs $0 to be kind to somebody, and one kind word can make a serious positive impact.
- Basic grammar. It’s time you learned the difference between your and you’re.
Things You Should Do Before 30
- Surround yourself with successful people. It is true that successful people surround themselves with successful people.
- The right things for the right reasons. Get into the habit of doing good for good’s own sake.
- Listen well. In a world where everybody is talking and few people are listening, this skill will take you far.
- Invest. If you start investing (or have a reputable company do it for you) now, you’ll thank yourself when you retire as a millionaire.
- Travel somewhere you don’t know the language. A frightening, exciting, informative, and rewarding experience indeed.
- Pay off your debt. The sooner you’re free of debt, the sooner you can start chasing your other dreams.
- Read a lot. Get into the habit of reading instead of watching TV or mindlessly scrolling through your phone.
- Go to a fancy restaurant. A really fancy restaurant.
- Chase a passion. The earlier you start chasing your passion, the more rewarding it will be.
- Become an expert on something. Whether it be basket weaving, outer space, dinosaurs, wine tasting, or anything else, being an expert on something is fun and rewarding.
- Make a long-term bucket list. Make some goals and commit yourself to achieve them before you die.
- That thing you’ve been procrastinating. Whether it be writing a book, traveling the world, applying for your dream job, or anything else, stop procrastinating and get it done!
- Conquer a fear. In a safe and sensible way, of course.
- Go see your favorite musicians perform live. No experience can compare to going to a concert of your favorite musical artist.
- Take a cross-country road trip. Get a few friends and see all of the sights you’ve always wanted to see.
Category: Family Finances