3 Tips for Getting What You Deserve from an Insurance Claim

| January 7, 2018

Insurance ClaimMany insurance claims are settled without an issue, but there are instances when claims are not settled to the satisfaction of all parties. Some expenses may be disputed, or the entire claim may be declined.

When this happens to one of your claims, you may experience financial hardship and have other negative ramifications as a result. You understandably want to get what you deserve from a claim, and these tips can help.

Be Truthful about the Claim Details

One reason why you may run into issues with the processing and approval of your insurance claim is because you provide false information. Gather all relevant details about the event before you file a claim.

When you file your claim, provide this information fully to the representative. Remember that the details of your claim may be researched by an adjuster or another insurance company representative.

Your truthfulness from the start may be critical to the fair and prompt processing of the claim.

Document All of Your Expenses

You cannot expect to receive compensation for expenses that cannot be corroborated. As soon as you realize that you need to file an insurance claim, pull together all previous and related bills, invoices and receipts.

For any additional expenses that you incur, you need to document the expenses in the same way. When you receive a payment on a claim, compare the insurance company’s payment on the claim to the invoices and other documentation that you have collected.

Notify the insurance company in writing as soon as possible about any discrepancies.

Seek Professional Assistance

In the event that a claims dispute arises, you may attempt to resolve the matter on your own. Document your dispute in writing rather than having a heated conversation with a representative over the phone.

In your written correspondence, clearly outline the facts supporting your side of the story, and avoid getting emotional in the letter or email.

If this effort does not yield the desired results, take the additional step of consulting with an independent claims adjuster like East Coast Public Adjusters in your area. If the matter is still not resolved properly, you may seek legal assistance.

Insurance can potentially save you thousands of dollars or more in out-of-pocket expenses in many cases. When claims are not properly settled, however, related expenses fall on your shoulders to pay.

You understandably do not want to pay for expenses that the insurance company should rightfully pay for. By taking each of these steps, you can hopefully resolve your claims in the fairest manner possible.


Category: Insurance

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