Archive for October, 2018

Important Facts About Low Doc Home Loans
Every individual, whether a king or a pauper, dreams of having their own sweet space called home. But due to lack of requisite amount of money this dream remains unfulfilled many times. But nowadays one can easily go for low doc home loans and fulfill their long-term desire of building their own house. Once a […]

Savings Not Saving? Ways to Use Your Money to Make Money
Being responsible with your money is very important. For many people, being financially responsible means setting aside money each month into a savings account. Unfortunately, many people will soon find that their money simply sitting in a savings account is not doing much for them. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of things that you […]

How to Use Your Shares to Get a Loan Easily
Your property, jewelry, and vehicle are tangible assets. During a state of financial necessity, you could use these assets to obtain funding by selling them or taking a loan against them. However, most people often forget that their investments are assets too. These financial assets are usually in the form of shares, bonds, policies, mutual […]

Different Kinds of Loans against Property
A Loan Against Property (LAP) is a unique financial product offered by leading banks and non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) with the property as the collateral. Since a property which is mortgaged for the loan against property (LAP), the same works as a security for the lenders and helps them to offer a lower interest rate. […]

Unique Ways to Get Some Extra Side Cash
Whether you’re saving up for a new car, a new house, or just want some extra spending money, getting your hands on some extra cash can help you achieve your goals. Here at Mom’s Network, we offer dozens of resources for helping moms work from home. Our how-to guides include how to set up a […]

4 Signs And Symptoms Your Car Needs Repairs ASAP
Car repairs are expensive and budgeting those repairs can be challenging. Drivers often wait till their cars breakdown or become nearly undrivable before seeing a mechanic. This is a costly car mistake. The longer you wait to get repairs done, the more the mechanic’s bill may become. This makes knowing key signs and symptoms that […]

What are Collateral Free Loans and their Advantages?
Collateral free loans are disbursed without pledging any asset as security or collateral against the loan. You can apply for an unsecured loan easily and avail higher loan amount without putting your assets on the line. Loans have made lives easier by providing financial leverage that extends beyond the income. Whether you require funds to […]

How To Increase Your Product Liability Investigation
Image Source: Unsplash When you have a product and take it to market, potentially thousands and thousands of people will be coming into contact with it. The responsibility, moreover, is in your hands to ensure that product is completely safe from risks and potential threats to the consumer. Doing a thorough check yourself is not […]

A Few Factors about Land Purchase Loan
Investors in India are traditionally inclined to buy land for an investment or building house. A land loan is only available for buying land for constructing a house on it. Land Purchase Loan is also a part of the Home Loan, which is available for the house already built, under construction or going under construction […]
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