Archive for January, 2018

Keep It in the Bank: A Guide to Saving Money on Car Insurance
Car insurance is an absolute necessity for all drivers, but many people struggle to keep their monthly premiums at a manageable level. Even if you are an excellent driver with very few accidents and tickets on your record, you might still be overpaying for your auto insurance. In addition to being a safe driver, here […]

Time to Move? 4 Thrifty Tricks to Get You Into Your New Place Quickly
Most of us will have to move at some point in our lives. Moving can be a very stressful process. It can also be expensive. Fortunately, there are ways that you can cut your moving expenses. Get Rid of Excess Junk You probably have things in your home that you no longer need. Taking the […]

3 Tips for Getting What You Deserve from an Insurance Claim
Many insurance claims are settled without an issue, but there are instances when claims are not settled to the satisfaction of all parties. Some expenses may be disputed, or the entire claim may be declined. When this happens to one of your claims, you may experience financial hardship and have other negative ramifications as a […]

How Can a Personal Loan Help You to Consolidate Your Debts?
These days, providing funds for all your financial needs has really turned out to be difficult, as the prices of all goods and services are increasing constantly. It has become difficult for an individual with an average salary to afford all these expenses. Many people find loans as a solution is such cases. The process […]

Can Your Credit Record Impact Your Business Loan?
It is said that it’s always better to keep your work and your personal life separate. By that logic, your personal credit history shouldn’t really affect your business loan application. However, often, that isn’t the case. You see, when you are a small business owner, those lines between work and personal life often tend to […]

Financial Fixes: What to Do When Your Utility Bill Is Abnormally High
Everyone hates seeing a high utility bill. Most people hope turning off a light or two will help with next month’s bill. However, more can be done for increased savings. Here’s what you can do when your utility bill is abnormally high! Get Rid of Phantom Energy Lowering utility bills can easily start by eliminating […]
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