Archive for February, 2016

How To Take A Bite Out Of The Rising Costs Of Pet Care
Anatole France is credited with saying – “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Americans largely share France’s sentiment and account for one of the largest pet-owning populations in the world. Owning a dog or cat is emotionally rewarding but the rewards don’t come without responsibilities attached: Proper diet […]

Three Top Forex Terms to Learn and Understand
No one with any knowledge of the forex markets would deny their complexity. With thousands of different factors driving market trends and patterns, the foreign exchange is undoubtedly one of the most intricately constructed industries to invest in and having a knowledge of forex terms is essential. In order to unravel its mysteries and trade […]

Getting a Car: Buying New, Buying Used or Leasing?
When in the process of getting a car, the majority of people are facing a dilemma whether they should buy a new car or go with a used one instead. Furthermore, those who tend to spend more time researching the matter consider an option of leasing one, as well. What this basically means is there […]

How Budgeting is like Preparing for the Holidays
While many quip that the holidays are “the most wonderful time of the year,” they can be a source of immense stress. That’s why it is important to begin preparations early and make a plan for all items that need to be accomplished—from choosing the right presents down to the color of the frosting used […]

Fun with Money and How to Teach the Kids to be Responsible with it
When it comes to teaching your kids how to responsibly use money, the key is—like everything else—to get ‘em while they’re young. The very concept of money is something completely foreign to a child until they get first-hand experience with it. Unfortunately, for many children, their first-hand experience isn’t something that prepares them for using […]

4 Big Things to Save Money For in 2016
At times, life can seem awfully challenging to many people. There’s a good reason for that: it is quite challenging. However, one skill that can make life a whole lot easier, once it is developed, is the ability and demeanor to properly save money. Being able to save money, smartly, enables your life in ways […]

How to Make a Decent Profit in Real Estate
Real estate is a long-term investment. Sure it has a certain risk and debt laden component attached to it. This also means that in many cases, people may not be able to afford to invest in real estate. This isn’t a complete misnomer, but in a survey conducted by the rich people’s bible Forbes, […]
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