Archive for April, 2015

Is Using a Vaporizer Less Expensive Than Cigarettes?
The last couple of years have seen vaping hit the mainstream. What was once a habit adopted by only a small fringe community has grown to become a phenomenon, with millions of American users and high profile attention, including the title of 2014’s Word of the Year. As with any new fad, there’s plenty of […]

6 Rules You Should Follow When Lending Money to Family to Avoid Getting Into Financial Problems
Having a weakness for family members and wanting the best for them can cause you to make financial decisions that you will regret later. A good percentage of the time when you give money to your family, you can count it as lost. This is because it is highly unlikely that you will take court […]

How Can You Make Your Home Safer On A Tight Budget?
Money’s tight, and it can be difficult to make ends meet. On a limited budget, you are forced to allocate your money toward necessities like utility bills and mortgage payments. This, however, can make it difficult to best ensure security. After all, there are so many electronics and other technical devices, and it can seem […]
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