Archive for November, 2014

How to Save Money and Energy in Your Home
Embed from Getty Images Saving on energy consumption is a win-win situation for every player. By lowering your utility bills, you leave more money at your disposal to cater to your other needs. Lower energy consumption also lowers the energy requirement for the country, which means that there will be a decrease in the volume […]

4 Ways Your Group Can Use Candle Fundraising for Fun and Profit
The country’s romance with candle is real, and it can be an opportunity for any organization willing to invest for a fundraising venture. Although it may seem to be easy money, there is hard work involved and it needs a dedicated team in order to work. Understanding some tips can help for a successful candle […]

6 Easy Ways to Save money with Your Credit Card
A lot of people have a love-hate relationship with their credit cards. They can’t live without them, but are always tempted to leave them and go back to cash or to debit cards. The funny thing about debit cards is that the banks already have your money, and yet you pay more charges and is […]

Eliminate Debt: Six Steps You Must Take To Get Back On Track Financially
Debt can be insidious. Once you start getting into debt, it can just lead to more debt and financial woes. If your budget couldn’t cover the thing you bought with a credit card, you end up with not be able to pay for other bills. Now you are putting something else on the credit card […]

How to Rescue Your Small Business During Tough Times
When your small business runs into trouble—whether due to economic downturn or personal hardship—it’s difficult to know what steps to take to ensure your company’s survival. Typically, the knee-jerk reaction is to reduce advertising and promotional expenditures, often in combination with employee layoffs. The reality is that neither tactic is the right one for a […]

Save Money When You Buy A Used Car
As certified pre-owned cars become more and more popular in the used auto market, many people are looking to buy second-hand cars in order to save money. The best part is that one can save a tidy sum of money even while buying used cars if one knows how to look in the right place. […]

6 Simple Changes You Can Make at Home to Save Energy and Money
In the midst of a worldwide energy efficiency revolution, many different life changes have been popularly discussed in order to prevent and avoid unnecessary energy usage. Making a few, small changes in your own home is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and also keep some extra money in your pocket. These tips […]

Finding the Right Attorney is a Challenge
Navigating the legal system is about as difficult as navigating the ocean. There are so many ways to get lost in it, why it is so complicated is a mystery. If you ever have to go through any legal procedure you will soon realize you need professional help. There are lawyers everywhere, but how do […]

Finding Cash Fast when you Have an Emergency
I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. Now I know what being caught blindsided means. I was always very careful with my money. I diligently created a written budget every month. I allocated my income to each bill, even having a little going to savings for an emergency. But then it […]
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