Archive for October, 2014

School Enrollment Among New Immigrants Increases
Embed from Getty Images Moving to a new country is a difficult experience for many. They have a limited grasp of the language, have problems forming connections with others and experience problems finding a job and supporting their families. Thanks to some new programs, new immigrants can get the help that they need. They can […]

Choosing a Corporate Lawyer
Embed from Getty Images Choosing a corporate lawyer isn’t like choosing a lawyer from another field. For one, there’s a lot more riding on your decision; you have the entire business to support. You’ll also need to pay extra attention to privacy and confidentiality clauses because large sums of money are usually involved. With so […]

Looking for a Good Deal on Insurance? How Quotes Can Help Your Search
Embed from Getty Images Are you in need of a new car insurance or home insurance policy? If so, then don’t make the mistake of just calling up the first insurance company that you find and opening up a policy. While there’s a slight chance that doing so could work out in your favor, it’s […]

Auto Maintenance 101: How to Save Money on Car Repair
Auto maintenance can be expensive. Depending on your financial situation, have your car repaired can feel like it is back breaking. Sometimes you may feel like you are better off buying a newer car just to save money on repair, but that can be just as much if not more expensive than repairing your own […]

Hot and Cold: How to Save Money at Home Once Winter Hits
One of the easiest ways to save money in the winter is to make sure your home is properly insulated. It is time to check that every entry point is sufficiently insulated from the cold, and secure all doors and windows even in unused rooms such as basements and attics against the cold. People often […]

Take Control Of Your Finances: The Top Five Things People Go Into Debt For
Personal finances can be difficult, but you can be smart about avoiding debt with a major purchase. It’s important to know when it’s okay to spend, and when you should hold off and save more. The following are the five most common purchases that can create debt. A new house It has been said that […]

Finances Made Easy: How to Offset Your Company’s Biggest Expenses
Whether you are business who employs just two people, or fifty, you know money is something you need to keep an eye on. At the end of the month, when the bills need to get paid, you may realize it would be good to have more cash on hand. Learn about how you can make […]

Underemployed? How to Make Extra Cash to Make Ends Meet
If you aren’t making quite enough to pay the bills at your day job, you may want to consider a side gig that puts a bit of extra cash in your pocket. These ways to make extra money are designed to supplement your income without taking away from the effort require to sustain your main […]
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