Archive for February, 2014
Pete – PASS (Portable Appliance Safety Services) – What is a PAT Tester?
While it is a relatively simple concept to those within the industry, there are a high number of myths surrounding PAT testing in the UK. Many laymen misunderstand the nature of PAT (Portable Appliance) testing and its core purpose, which could have a negative impact on the safety of households and home-owners nationwide. With this […]
Can I Sell My Annuity?
If you have an annuity and you need to tap more of the cash in it what can you do? In life we never know what’s just around the corner. There could an unexpected medical expense or just some circumstance that arises that the need for cash is immediate. The only thing you have of […]
What Is the Future of Legal Recruitment?
The legal profession in the United States is in a state of flux. Coming out of years of turmoil and uncertainty, law firms and lawyers had to devise innovative and variable strategies in order to stay afloat. Add to this an increasing amount of legislation and regulation, and the legal landscape is a challenging one […]
5 Mistakes That Will Keep You From Being A Success
We all do it. We look at the successful people in the business world and say “How did they do it.?” What do they have that I don’t? You have to agree that their success has to come from somewhere. Many businesses have good success while the ones we read about in the news have […]
Would an Unusual Fundraising Event Work For You?
When it comes time for a fundraising drive, many nonprofits find themselves doing the same kind of events year after year — dinner functions, concerts and other traditional mingle-and-donate events. Of course, it’s good for your main donors to have a few events they will annually mark on their calendars, but to bring in new […]
Cluster Mailboxes Could Save the USPS
Email, text message, social media networks, online banking and electronic bill pay are ubiquitous these days. Their near-universality means Americans don’t rely on the postal service the way they did not so long ago. As a result, the USPS is hemorrhaging money. To cut costs, the Postal Service now requires cluster mailboxes in all new […]
The Best Ways To Manage Your Money In 2014
Managing money is one of those essential life skills they don’t teach enough in schools. The difference between a home with a solid grasp on the numbers and a home with no budgeting is evident, and this difference can lead to significant differences in wealth. Moving in to 2014, there is no better time to […]
Six Great Reasons to Accept Credit Cards
Businesses are often looking for ways to increase their profit levels by decreasing their overhead expenses. For those that have not jumped on the bandwagon of credit card processing, there’s great news. By partnering with a credit card processing company, businesses are able to gain several benefits. Let’s go ahead and take a look at […]
The Benefits of Hiring a Wedding Planner
Weddings tend to be chaotic even if you are hosting the simplest wedding. There are a number of details to see to from wedding photography to the dress you wish to have on your special day. If you are working while planning your wedding it can be difficult to fit in the caterers, cake makers, […]
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