Archive for December, 2013
Four Tips To Help You Put Together And Stick To A Budget
The best way to keep your financial head above water is to develop a monthly budget and then stick to it. While it sounds like a great idea, it is not as easy to execute as it sounds. Too many people treat their monthly budget like a new diet they went on in that it […]
Expecting? Make Room for Baby by Cutting Corners
Awaiting the birth of a new baby can be an exciting time for many parents. They may spend weeks choosing the best name, deciding on whom to ask to be the baby’s godparents, and planning for life with the new addition to their family. However, along with envisioning these aspects of bringing a baby into […]
Alcohol and your Health: When a Little is too Much
Alcohol in small or large quantities can be harmful to your health. As one of the leading causes of preventable death, the long-term effects can cause serious complications to physical, mental and social well-being for those who over indulge, or binge drink. It can also be a financially draining habit legally. It can be attributed […]
Home Investment: Six Surprising Ways to Boost your Home’s Value
Investing in your home can mean some major rewards. Whether you are looking for things that are more enjoyable while you are living there, or you are hoping for some added resale value, home improvements can be worth every penny. Here are six surprising ways to boost your homes value. Smart Appliances Technology has changed […]
When to Consider a Home Loan
If you’re considering buying your first home but have had negative experiences with debt in the past, the prospect of taking out a home loan can seem daunting. Your frugal ideal may be to own your home outright, but sometimes saving—and renting—for that long isn’t sensible. Taking out a home loan is hardly as risky […]
Finding Better Rent Deals
In this day and age, rental prices are rising, and renters are facing more challenges when shopping for a place to live. With recent economic changes being what they are, many people are forced to rent instead of buy, and this is putting an unexpected demand on the rental market. Since rental space is limited, […]
Starting An Online Business
The growth of the internet has had a huge impact on the business world and has dramatically changed the way that many businesses are run. One aspect of this change has been the amount of businesses that are now run online. A successful businessman such as Tunde Folawiyo will tell you that setting up any […]
Garden Offices can Help Britons Work ‘Five to Nine’ and Launch Their Own Local Business for Extra Income
More and more Britons are launching businesses of their own, many based in garden offices or spare rooms inside their homes, as the nation’s workforce shifts towards ‘five to nine’ freelance entrepreneurship. According to a report from Direct Line in the summer of 2013, 1.5 million Britons launched a business of their own in the […]
Brilliant Money Saving Ideas For Couples
Flickr Credit Young love is one of the most beautiful things about life on earth, but it can have its stumbling blocks, especially when it comes to financial arrangements. In nearly all cases, one member of the couple will earn a higher wage, meaning they end up paying considerably more towards monthly bills and other […]
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