Archive for September, 2013
Exploring Portland’s Rich and Diverse Neighborhoods and Districts
You don’t have to live in Portland long to hear people throwing around neighborhood names. One of the most confusing things for a transplant to learn is the difference between the Hollywood District and the Pearl, or Hawthorne and Healy Heights. And when you’re searching for the right place to live and work, you might […]
Tips To Remodel Your Bathroom And Save Money
Is it time to remodel your bathroom? Is your bathroom saying, “HELP!”? If you bathroom isn’t your space of calming and relaxation then it’s to remodel. That area should be your sanctuary, you’re escape from everyday life. If that’s not happening then you need to keep reading. When it comes to remodeling your bathroom you […]
8 Misconceptions about Life Insurance Shattered
Life insurance is one type of insurance that people do not feel very comfortable talking about. Choosing a life insurance policy requires a person to consider what will happen when they pass away. No one really wants to think about this, but it is important and necessary. Life insurance policies ensure that your loved ones […]
Improving Your SWAGger by Knowing Yourself
As a marketing tool, it can be argued that swag never goes out of style. People will always need umbrellas to keep them dry, baseball hats to shield them from sun and pens with which to write notes and sign checks. From belt buckles to custom iPad cases, swag can be as highfalutin or as […]
Five Tips For You To Start Saving More Money at Home
Times are tough for many individuals and families. Job loss for one or both partners, jobs that go from full to part time, an increase in the family or illness can devastate a family. However, even if you simply are finding it difficult to pay the bills each month, there are things you can do […]
5 Ways to Cash in your Electronic Scrap
What do you usually do when an electronic device stops working or becomes obsolete? Once it’s trash, most of us usually don’t give a second thought to it, carelessly disposing it. But electronic waste is a major concern today and if not handled properly can be a major hazard to the surroundings. Most devices can […]
What Could You Use a Loan For?
Loans are short term solutions to financial problems that can make all the difference to a number of expensive aspects of life. Unfortunately, not everyone can earn the kind of money that allows them to pay for high-cost holidays, pieces of technology or higher education. It’s not like you can simply waltz up to your […]
How to Save on Everyday Purchases
You might not think about how much the little things cost, like that morning cup of coffee or afternoon smoothie. As a result, you spend so much on those little things every day that you don’t even realize how many thousands you’ve wasted until you check your year-end finances. You don’t have to give up […]
Investing in Debt for Beginners
Whilst many people do nothing more adventurous with the money they manage to save than leave it in a bank account to earn a small amount of interest every year, others like to take a more proactive approach to planning for a rainy day and seek out value for money opportunities that offer the best […]
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