Archive for September, 2012

A Beginner’s Guide to Depreciation in Property Development
If it were as easy to make money off a developed property as renting out some apartments or offices and sitting back and profiting off the rent, more people would do exactly that. Many times when looking to wisely invest money, people turn to real estate armed with the basic knowledge that property values fluctuate […]

3 Key Steps to Eliminate Personal Debt
If you are like many others, you are floundering under the heavy burden of personal debt from student loans, car loans, credit cards and more. This debt may be preventing you from saving for emergencies, planning for the future and leading the life that you otherwise could afford to lead if you didn’t have so […]

National Coffee Day Discounts and Free Giveaways
Oh Yeah! Saturday will be the Christmas for all coffee drinkers. Saturday is “National Coffee Day”. What does this mean to you? Free coffee, what else. Our team of coffee scientist in our coffee labs have been scraping the Internet for all the best deals and freebies for you to properly celebrate this great day. Below you […]

How to Save Money on Home Repairs
Larry Smith works for and he likes being able to save people money when he can. Remodeling your home can be an excellent way to improve its value and be more satisfied as a homeowner. Home repairs can be very costly though and most homeowners aren’t keen to spending thousands of dollars in renovation […]

Ways To Get College Loans Without Having A Cosigner
Over the past decade, the recessing economy has made it quite difficult to get a job. Those without college degrees tend to have an even more difficult time to get a job, and because of this, going to college has quickly become a necessity for people looking to have a good career. At the same […]

5 Tips on How to Get College Scholarships
In today’s world of rising college costs, you may not be able to save the amount of money necessary to meet all your goals. Finding other ways to pay for college is becoming a necessity. One way to supplement your tuition costs is by applying for college scholarships. College scholarships give you access to money […]

Bill Consolidation – The Necessary Partner of a Credit Card Debtor
If you’re over your head in credit card debt, your accounts must have been turned down to the collection agencies for recuperation of the debt amount. Once this step has been taken by your creditors, the debt collectors will harass you for repayment of the debt amount and this may soon become an irksome […]

3 Unique Colleges That Offer Free Tuition
Every year, thousands of college students are able to significantly decrease their tuition responsibilities by earning scholarships and federal grants, but wouldn’t it be nice if they could find a way to reduce their responsibility to zero? Although it would be impossible to give everyone a free college education, there are some who truly deserve […]

7 Reasons to Save Money
In these trying times that we are living today, saving enough money becomes a necessity. You have to save not only for the rainy days. But, you must save money also for the following reasons: 1. Emergency Saving money will allow you to have an emergency fund if anything unexpected happens. If you suddenly lose […]
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