Archive for July, 2012
Investing 101: Index Funds
If your thinking about getting into investing and want an easy way to get your feet wet why not try Index Funds. We all have the common problem of which of the 3000 plus mutual funds do we put are money in. You can search for the hot fund or the fund with the great […]

Should Couples Have Separate or Joint Accounts
Back in Sept. I wrote a post concerning my views on a couple having separate or joint financial accounts. I stated that is what my wife and I had done and why. I always felt a little guilty that we were doing that. I was brought up that, for better or worse you combined your […]
Prepaid College or 529 Savings Plan – Which is Best?
For the past 10 years I have been paying into a prepaid college plan. Every month I have been sending in $61.38. Saving for college for your children is a necessary expense I am glad to do. But I have thought if I have been doing it the best way. What are the options for saving for […]

How to Choose a Franchise Business
These days everyone is looking for a way to make more money. Starting a new business would be a great way to make some extra money. You can go the way of the self made business or what people feel is an easiler way, a franchise. The difficulty of starting a business from scratch is […]

How To Go To Medical School For Free
Medical school is the most expensive type of school you could go to. Getting through it is the toughest thing you will ever hope to accomplish. The second hardest thing you will do is find a way to pay for it. If you could find a way to pay zero money for a medical school […]

When Should You Save Retirement Money In A Taxable Account?
Everyone knows that when you are saving for retirement that you must use tax efficient accounts like IRAs and company 401Ks. Using tax deferred growth is one of the best ways to grow your retirement nest egg. Though tax savings accounts are the best way to invest for retirement, sometimes a taxable account is the […]

How to Save Up an Emergency Fund
When thinking of budgeting the first thing that you aim at is saving a few dollars for that rainy day when you can be financially down. Though it is a situation that all of us wish to avoid but the fact is you may never know when life gets difficult. There may be situations that […]

Is Term Life Insurance a Better Choice Than Mortgage Insurance?
What happens when the mortgage holder of home passes on and there is no one there to pay the mortgage? Upon death of the homes owner, the new owners are forced to sell the house or refinance the mortgage into their names. The mortgage holder, like all other debtors to the estate want their money. […]
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