Archive for June, 2012

Should You Move Your UGMA/UTMA Accounts to a 529 College Savings Plans
“The biggest reason is tax savings.” says John Wiggins of, “All the earnings from investments in a 529-plan account are tax exempt, while only a portion of the earnings in a UGMA or UTMA account are tax exempt.”Both UGMA and UTMA accounts, together generally referred to as UGMA accounts because they’re so similar, […]

Can You Withdraw Money From A Roth IRA Early?
My daughter has just been hired at a new job and she will be making more money than her last job. She wants to open a Roth IRA. It seems to be not a priority to her. But from my point of view it is. I want to encourage her to do this because starting […]

An Emergency Fund Can Keep You In Hot Water
One of the basic tools used in personal finance is the emergency fund. The emergency fund does many things for you but the most important thing it does is it keeps you out of debt. For many people an emergency fund is a foreign concept, saving money for a rainy day, isn’t that what […]

How to tip correctly
When a server or service person does a good job for you, you want to give them a nice tip to show your appreciation, the question is how much is a good tip. You can ask 10 people how much to tip in a certain situation and you will get several different answers. To make […]

Airline Booking Secrets To Use On Your Next Trip
If you go over to, you will find an ongoing Q & A With “TravelAuthority”, a reservation agent for many different airlines. Many questions are being asked and the answers are very informative. The subject range includes working for an airline, the flight benefits, using miles, earning miles, avoiding stupid airline fees, low fares, […]
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